Supply Ministry forms committee to examine costs of bread making

Updated 6/6/2024 10:49:00 AM
Supply Ministry forms committee to examine costs of bread making

Arab Finance: The Egyptian Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade has formed a committee to examine the prices of making bread at public and private bakeries as well as bakeries affiliated with sovereign bodies for the first time since 2020, Asharq Business reported, citing an official document.

The decision has nothing to do with the re-pricing of bread, whether subsidized or unsubsidized, a government official pointed out.

However, the committee’s sole aim is to determine the cost of making bread, he added.

The official attributed the formation of the committee to the rise in local wheat prices and the increase in other production expenses that are used in making bread.

The committee, comprising 14 representatives of the Ministry of Supply, General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC), the Holding Company for Food Industries (HCFI), Ministry of Finance, and Bakeries Division, was assigned to appoint experts to conduct the required study.