Nexus Analytica: Shaping a Sustainable Future

Updated 8/8/2023 8:00:00 AM
Nexus Analytica: Shaping a Sustainable Future

Arab Finance: Consultancy services and internet of things (IoT) solutions are becoming increasingly important in the energy and industrial sectors. They enhance efficiency, predictive maintenance, and risk management, and help reduce energy consumption.

That is why Arab Finance has interviewed Dr. Wessam El-Baz, CEO and Co-founder of Nexus Analytica, one of the leading companies offering consultancy services and IoT solutions in the region. He discussed the main services of the company and how they help navigate the rapidly changing energy landscape.

1-Can you share with us the business need behind creating Nexus Analytica?

The business need behind creating Nexus Analytica was to address the growing demand for energy analytics and data science solutions on a global scale. The world is facing several energy challenges, including rising energy demand, declining fossil fuel reserves, and increasing environmental concerns. Nexus Analytica was founded to help governments, international organizations, businesses, and others around the world address these challenges by providing them with the tools and expertise they need to make the most efficient and effective energy decisions within their respective contexts.

2-What are the main services that Nexus Analytica offers? And what industries or sectors do you work within?

Nexus Analytica offers a wide range of services to a variety of government entities, international organizations, and industries, including:

  • Big Data Analytics: We employ big data analytics to help organizations understand their energy use and identify opportunities for efficiency. This includes using data to track energy consumption, identify trends, and develop strategies to reduce energy costs.
  • Modeling and Simulations: Nexus Analytica uses its modeling and simulation expertise and capacities to help entities understand the impact of different energy strategies. This includes using models to predict energy demand, simulate the impact of different energy sources, and optimize energy systems.
  • Strategic Consultancy: We help our customers develop and implement energy strategies that meet their needs. This includes guiding energy policy, energy procurement, and energy efficiency measures.

As for the industries or clients we are working with, they vary by project. We extend our services to government entities, ministries, and international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and the European Commission (EU), among others, as well as the industrial sector. We are committed to helping all these clients make better energy decisions and improve their energy efficiency for their countries, communities, and businesses.

3-What are some of the specific areas that the company covers in the energy sector?

The company offers a wide range of services in the energy sector, including:

- Energy Markets and Economics Analysis: This involves demand forecasting, assessment of the impact of new energy technologies, risk assessments, and determination of the financial implications of energy fiscal policy changes.

- Energy Regulations: This includes analyzing and advising on energy regulations, developing compliance strategies, and reflecting on market-based solutions.

- Energy Management: We provide solutions on the national, industrial, and commercial levels to help our clients manage their energy use more effectively, including developing smart energy efficiency plans, optimizing energy procurement, and implementing smart tools to help our clients manage their own energy needs.

- E-Mobility: We provide consultancy and research services to help governmental institutions on their path to a greener future. We have undertaken several projects in Africa to draft national roadmaps for introducing Electric Vehicles into national markets.

- Green Hydrogen: We offer green hydrogen consultancy services in Egypt, examining the potential of green hydrogen to meet the needs of the energy and transport sectors in Egypt and looking at the challenges and opportunities associated with the production, distribution, and use of green hydrogen. We have also developed a national roadmap for a green hydrogen ecosystem in the Suez Canal Economic Zone, in partnership with the UNIDO.

4-How does Nexus Analytica help the private and public sectors cope with the rapid, ongoing, and disruptive changes in the energy sector and other influenced sectors?

Indeed, changes in the energy sector are rapid and even unpredictable. The recent war in Ukraine, for instance, has disrupted the energy market on a global level, with prices of natural gas reaching unprecedented levels. However, we do not see these as challenges; we see them as opportunities to seek out solutions to help our clients make better energy decisions and improve their energy efficiency.

5-What is NexusCharge, and how does it relate to Nexus Analytica's services in the energy sector? And how did Egyptian customers react to it?

Nexus Charge is a subsidiary mobile application of Nexus Analytica. In short, it is a mobile app that connects E-vehicle drivers with charging station owners (whether at commercial or home levels). This app allows our users not only to find the nearest charging stations to them but also to pay for them via the app in a full-proof electronic transaction.

At Nexus Analytica, we take a futuristic approach for electric vehicles to operate in the Egyptian market on a larger scale, the market itself needs to evolve to accommodate at least tens of thousands of charging stations across the country.

We also figured out a milestone towards achieving this goal of making car owners aware of the charging stations around them and their availability for use. The application has exceeded our expectations; it scored a 4.7 on Google Play and a 4.5 on the Apple App Store. One of our customers reviewed us, saying that he figured out from our app that there is a charging station right in his compound parking lot, and that made his life easier.

6-How do you measure success? And what is the main competitive edge that you have in the market?

Nexus Analytica measures success in its global success stories, whether in Tunisia, Botswana, Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, or the Netherlands; in its high levels of customer satisfaction; and above all, in its employee satisfaction through striving to create a positive work environment for our co-workers.

We hold a competitive edge in the market with our expertise in energy analytics and data science. We have a highly professional team of experienced professionals, researchers, technicians, and data analysts who have a deep understanding of the energy industry from regulation to operation, and we use the latest technologies to help our clients make better energy decisions and improve their energy efficiency.

7-Can you share with us the company’s profits and revenues from last year?

We are a privately held company, so our financial information is not publicly available. However, we have been profitable for the past several years and are on track to continue our growth in the future. We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, and we are confident that we can continue to deliver value to our customers.

8-How does Nexus Analytica stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in AI?

Nexus Analytica is not just a keen watcher of the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI), but it has also developed its own algorithms for AI to meet the challenges of the future and help our clients build a more sustainable future. However, as promising as AI is, Nexus Analytica is concerned about its current ungoverned and unrestricted status. The developments in AI can save time and effort, but they can also make the next generation reliant and dependent on means that feed them information and ideas, dumping their creativity and ability to individually think or work in groups.

8-What are the challenges that the company faces in the Egyptian market now?

At Nexus Analytica, we do not say the word challenge; we call it opportunity. Every single challenge is an opportunity for Nexus to advance, provide better services, and advise on new regulations and policies. The Egyptian market is a very promising market with lots of potential to grow in the coming years.

9-In your opinion, how can technology help reduce our dependency on fossil fuels?

We believe technology can play a key role in reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. We are working on several projects that help in developing and deploying renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and capturing and storing carbon dioxide. Nexus Analytica believes that these technologies have the potential to make a significant impact on our energy system and help us build a more sustainable future.


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