Petroshrouk dedicates $535M for Zohr field development in FY2024/25

Updated 3/12/2024 8:19:00 AM
Petroshrouk dedicates $535M for Zohr field development in FY2024/25

Arab Finance: Petroshrouk, the provider of oil exploration services at Zohr field, has allocated $535 million to develop and operate the Zohr-19 well in fiscal year (FY) 2024/2025, as per a statement by Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

This comes under the company’s new investment plan for the coming FY which targets promoting development operations at Zohr field as well as the facilities at the onshore gas platform serving the field.

This is along with the implementation of a new project to shore up the efficiency of the platform and connect it to the compressors at El Gameel platform in Port Said.

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